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Sports Day

This event will take place on 03/07/2024

8:30 - 8:40am                           Normal Drop off procedures (No parents on site whilst children are registered)

8:50am – 9:00am                      Gates open for parents to come on to field

9:00am –10:15am                     Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 Events

Gates will be locked during events. Essential entry/exit will be via office.

10:15am – 10:30am                  Break: Gates will be supervised for parents arriving & leaving. Children will remain in class.

10:30am – 12:00am                  Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 Events

Gates will be locked during events. Essential entry/exit will be via office.

12:00am – 12:50pm                  Lunch on the field (see further details below)

Gates will be supervised for parents arriving & leaving.

12:50pm                                   Children return to class to register and prepare for parade

1:00pm                                     Final Scores & Parade.

Year R – 6 Parents depart after parade & children return to class

1:15pm – 1:45pm                     Pre School Events

All Pre School children& families, are welcome to enjoy a picnic lunch with us and then participate in the Pre School Events. Children who do not normally stay in the afternoon, will need to be collected after the events due to staff ratios.


  • Children will move with their class around each event. Parents are welcome to move around the events to cheer on the children. Following the carousel of events, everyone will then take part in the relay and flat races.
  • Please note timings are approximate
  • Please help us with safeguarding by arriving and leaving during the designated times staff are supervising the gate.


Lunch 12:00 – 1:00 (including final scores)

Parents are welcome to enjoy a picnic lunch on the field with their children. Children will be able to join their families for lunch or sit with their class. We encourage you to bring picnic mats & chairs.

Children can order a special lunch from the kitchen as per normal procedures

  • The PTA have invited an ice-cream van to attend
  • We are expecting high numbers of people on the field therefore ball games and dogs will not be allowed

Toilets: Families please access the toilets via the front office. The children’s toilets are for CGPS pupils only.

PE Kits

  • Children should wear their PE kits including their house colour t-shirt
  • Children should bring a water bottle
  • Hats & sun cream weather dependent