EGM March 2024
We are excited that the PTA is evolving and we now need to officially expand our committee. Please help us do this by voting at our EGM
Come and get involved on Tuesday 5th March at 7:30pm...we only need an hour of your time (there will be snacks).
Formal notice below and supporting documents attached.
If you have any questions, please email or grab one of us on the playground after school.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM") of the Crowmarsh Gifford C E School Parent Teacher Association ("The Charity") will be held at Crowmarsh Gifford Primary school hall from 7:30 to 8:30 on Tuesday 5th March 2024
to transact the following business:
Proposal 1: Nomination of Trustees
Nomination of Trustees as set out in the EGM information document attached.
Members will be asked to consider nominees and vote accordingly.
Nominations are open until the 27th February (please use the form below)
Proposal 2: Formal Adoption of the Parentkind Constitution
Members will be asked to consider the Constitution and vote accordingly.
Constitution Document below.