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We believe that every child is a unique child. We aim to build positive relationships with your child as soon as possible with several opportunities to meet the team in their in our Foundation Stage before your child starts with us. We create an environment which enables your child to develop their independence and develop in their own way at their own rate.

The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (DFE, 2021) is our statutory guidance. The EYFS curriculum is designed to develop lifelong skills and a love of learning. The three prime areas underpin all learning at Crowmarsh and our holistic curriculum reflects this.  Cross Curricular links are planned across all areas of learning. Our Curriculum acknowledges the importance of communication, developing and extending vocabulary as well as developing oracy skills. Children develop the skills, knowledge, understanding and motivation that they need to be effective learners as they continue their Learning Journey. The children are given learning opportunities, activities and experiences which incorporate the seven areas of learning. Teaching and Learning is largely through a play based learning approach as well as through whole class, small group and adult focused sessions, either with the class teacher or your child’s key person.

“Three areas are particularly important for building a foundation for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, forming relationships and thriving.” (Statutory Guidance for the Foundation Stage (DFE, 2021) These three areas underpin our curriculum. Communication and language (C&L), Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) and Physical Development (PD). These along with Literacy (Lit), Mathematics (Maths), Understanding the World (UtW) and Expressive Arts and Design (EAD)are taught through our Early Years Curriculum as well as the children’s interests

The Early Years Foundation Stage at Crowmarsh Gifford use the outdoor environment as an extension of the classroom and during FreeFlow the door is always open so the children can freely access indoors and outdoors. We also use the outdoor environment for adult led sessions where appropriate to enhance the learning experience.

EYFS Reception Class

Throughout the year, the structure of the day will change depending on the development of the children. This timetable will include; daily Phonics and Maths which are both adult led sessions, adult led daily topic session (depending on the time of year and the needs of the children, this may be done in small groups) and freeflow.

During freeflow there is a mix of adult led, child initiated and adult initiated activities. Children are encouraged to find or ask for resources they require to enhance their independent learning, many of which are readily available through our continuous provision.

Children take part in a formal PE session once per week (currently Rugby tots) and other sporting activities are planned into our broad curriculum. Twice per year, we dedicate a half term to a PSED based topic (Aut 1 and Sum 2).

Our curriculum is enhanced as much as possible with trips and visitors.