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Our Governors

The school governors share responsibility for the school, provide links with parents and the local community, and support the staff and pupils.  We are proud of the achievements of the school and its pupils.

The main roles of the governing body are:

  • to help the school raise standards of pupils’ achievement, establishing high expectations and promoting effective teaching and learning
  • To provide the headteacher and staff with support, advice and information
  • To ensure accountability and good quality education in the school.

The full governing body and governors’ committees meet at least once a term.

The term of office for all governors, except the headteacher, is four years, but governors may serve more than one term.  Any parent with a child at the school is eligible for nomination as a parent governor.

If you would like further details on our School Governors or you would like to contact Mrs Caroline Ibbotson Chair of Governors, please visit our contact us page