Year 2
Welcome to our Class Page!
Our teachers are:
Mrs Annette Marsh (Monday-Wednesday)
Mrs Katie Lucas (Thursday-Friday)
Our support staff are:
Mrs Lucy Cooper
Mrs Susan Osborne
Our PE days are: Thursdays and Fridays
Please wear PE kit on these days
Here you will find:
- Our curriculum this term
- Home learning for the term
- Common Exception Words
- Recommended Reads for Year 2
- Meet the Teacher Presentation
Our Learning - Spring 1
Our Learning - Autumn 2
We had a great trip to the Earth Trust today! With such perfect weather, we took the opportunity to walk to the top of the Clumps to take in the view. Then the children searched for minibeasts in the woods, the kitchen garden and the pond, and were able to look at some of them up close using microscopes.
In art, we have been creating Autumn pictures using crayons as a wax resist, then painting over our drawings with watercolours.
Our Learning - Autumn 1
In art, we created our own paintbrushes using natural materials then painted with them to see what different marks we could make.
In RE, we have been investigating religion in our local community. We took a walk to the church to ask Rev Kev about his values and how being a Christian impacts his worldview. We also looked around the church for Christian symbols and artefacts (and even found part of the floor that is 800 years old!)
We had fun making our marmalade sandwiches! Now we are going to write instructions for how to make them.
In DT, we have been making pouches out of felt. We had to use running stitch to hold the fabric together. For most of the class, this was their first attempt at sewing and the adults were so impressed with what they achieved - they persevered even though it was a bit fiddly at times!